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  Without looking up at her he idly pushed the piece of silk that was between her legs to one side and caressed the inside of her smooth thighs. “Remember, your pleasure is only to be obtained with permission,” he reminded her, and as she moved away she felt the vibrator that was pressed against her sex lips start to throb gently.

  As she and Amber moved along the table, the men all let their hands touch the exposed areas of their bodies, and as the meal progressed so the vibrator’s pulsations increased.

  By the time Grace poured the dessert wine for Andrew, her eyes carefully downcast, she was highly aroused. Pulling her onto his lap he tipped the contents of his glass down her left side, so that it trickled into the spaces between the tight lacing, then licked at it with the tip of his tongue.

  The sensation was intense, and she shivered with excitement. She could hear the buzz of conversation around them, but was only aware of his delicate tongue, and the incessant arousal of the vibrator, now pressed even more tightly against her vulva by his hard thighs.

  “You want to come, don’t you?” he whispered in her ear. “I can tell you’re ready. Tell me the truth.”

  “Yes, I do,” admitted Grace.

  “What a shame that I forbid it,” he said, abruptly pushing her off his lap.

  Grace scrambled to her feet, picked up the decanter and keeping her eyes down, moved on to serve Will. He contented himself with caressing her breasts, his fingers tweaking her nipples so hard that she struggled not to cry out. Passing Amber she saw that her adversary’s top lip was beaded with sweat, and realized that the ordeal was proving just as difficult for her.

  When all the men had been served she went to put the decanter back on the sideboard but then David spoke. “My glass needs topping up, Grace. Pay attention.”

  Swiftly she went across to him, and this time he too pulled her onto his lap, parting her legs so that she was balanced on his left thigh. Casually he slid a hand up under the bottom of her tight-fitting basque, spreading one hand wide over the base of her stomach. His fingers were firm and she wriggled to try and ease the rising spirals of excitement.

  “Keep still!” he ordered her.

  “Forgive me,” she begged him and he glanced at her in surprise.

  “I think I will,” he murmured. “Would you like to come now?”

  Grace was totally lost in her role-playing, and words flowed easily from her. “Only if you wish,” she replied subserviently.

  “I do.”

  As he spoke he pressed the heel of his hand hard into the base of her stomach, and the pressure there combined with the sensations from the vibrator were enough to trigger her climax. With a muffled groan of pleasure her body trembled violently.

  As soon as she was still again she was ordered to continue her work, but she nearly stumbled as she moved away from him, just regaining her balance before she fell. At that moment she heard Lucien give Amber permission to come, and watched her opponent’s head go back as with a loud cry of satisfaction she climaxed, standing in front of him.

  Clearly they had both been watched and judged by all the men during their brief moment of pleasure, but the thought no longer worried Grace. She was proud of what she’d done, and elated that she’d clearly surprised David by her response.

  “Time for the final test,” said Andrew, pushing back his chair, “and then the vote will be held.”

  This time the women were led down to the basement room, and Grace tensed. She’d hated the shadowy darkness and claustrophobic atmosphere there. Two long couches were in the middle of the room, and the twins swiftly stripped the two contestants of their clothes before pushing them toward the beds.

  “You must both lie on your backs, and keep your eyes open during this trial,” said David. “We will draw lots for who is to make love to each of you. As he does, you must keep perfectly still, moving only when you’re moved by your partner, never visibly or verbally responding to what’s being done to you. You must behave as though you’ve been drugged, and are totally helpless, and can only climax after your partner. Such self-control is needed by anyone who believes they are suitable to be in charge of the Dining Club.

  “However, before we begin, Amber will receive her punishment for this morning’s outburst. Andrew will administer that.”

  Amber stepped forward, looking mutinous. Watching her, Grace knew that no slave girl should ever look like that, which boosted her confidence.

  Andrew ordered Amber to kneel on all fours, then trailed a leather strap the length of her spine, so that her slender figure began to quiver. Grace watched wide-eyed as the strap fell with considerable force across Amber’s buttocks, and the blonde woman gave a cry of pain.

  Swiftly and dispassionately, Andrew let the strap fall three more times, leaving four clear and separate red lines on her golden skin, and then he moved the strap underneath her, pulling the ends up tightly above her back, trapping her breasts beneath it.

  The watching Grace realized that Amber was now trembling with excitement, not distress. “Don’t come,” said Andrew, “or you’ll be punished again. Now apologize.”

  He was twisting the ends of the strap, so that Amber’s breasts were squashed hard against her body, yet still she seemed to find it impossible to utter the words required of her.

  “You have ten more seconds to apologize,” said David, standing watching in the shadows. “If you don’t, the challenge will be over.”

  “I’m very sorry,” said Amber quickly. Andrew released her, but neither her expression nor her tone of voice had made the apology seem sincere. However, as she was clearly aroused by the punishment, Grace hoped this would be to her advantage.

  As the two of them lay on the couches, the men drew lots, then Grace heard someone approaching her. She waited anxiously to discover who had drawn her name. With eyes wide open as instructed, she didn’t dare turn her head, but then sensed a figure standing beside her.

  “Time to begin,” said a familiar voice, and she realized that it was David who would decide her fate. David, who knew her body so well, and wouldn’t hesitate to use that in order to make things even more difficult for her. Keeping her gaze fixed on the low ceiling she waited for him to begin.

  The silence in the room only added to the tension as his hands roamed over her shoulders, skimming the sides of her neck and then moving down the insides of her arms. She tried not to think about what was happening, but it was impossible. When he lay down naked next to her she longed to wrap her arms round him, but all she could do was lie motionless.

  “So beautiful,” he murmured, tracing patterns round her breasts. “And so wonderfully responsive as well.” Lowering his head he licked beneath her armpits, and she struggled to keep still. With diabolically cruel slowness he covered her whole body with butterfly kisses, then dipped his tongue into the tiny dent of her belly button. This always made her body jerk with rising passion, but she switched her mind to Fran’s furious response when she’d let her down and slowly the reaction to his caresses faded.

  Moving down her body he opened her unresisting legs, parted her outer sex lips and let his tongue move up and down the damp, aroused flesh beneath. It was impossible to stop her body from trembling, but she didn’t move a muscle or utter a sound.

  “I know how much you like this,” he murmured. “Your clitoris is very swollen. I’m sure it would like to feel my tongue against the side of it.”

  Grace wanted to cry with despair. His words were driving her out of her mind with excitement, and there was a tingling beginning in her toes that she knew would soon spread upwards.

  With a superhuman effort she managed not to move or make a sound as his tongue flicked at the aching little nub, and then she felt his fingers stroking the top of the inner creases of her thighs. As he pressed more firmly there she wanted to cry. It wasn’t fair, because only he knew that this could sometimes trigger an orgasm for her.

  Staring up at the ceiling she concentrated on how their life together would be once s
he took over from Amber. Removing herself mentally from what was happening she began to make plans about the future of the Dining Club and the changes she’d make.

  “What a clever girl you are,” said David as she remained motionless. “Only one trick left, I fear.”

  With that he rolled her over onto her face, lifting her knees up so that he could enter her from behind. This was her favorite position for sex, because he always reached round her body and teased her clitoris with his fingers as he thrust in and out of her. It never failed to bring her to a climax, but this time she knew that she had to make sure he climaxed first.

  With the top half of her body flat on the couch, he positioned himself against her, stroking her buttocks with one hand, then entering her slowly, while at the same time caressing her clitoris with his free hand. She remained totally still, desperately fighting back the wonderful sensations that were threatening to overwhelm her.

  “You may speak now. Tell me how much you want to come,” he said, his voice as caressing as his fingers. “I need to know.”

  Grace didn’t want to speak, she needed to concentrate, but had to obey or she would fail. “I’m so close that I want to come more than ever before, but I can’t because I love you,” she admitted despairingly. To her relief and astonishment her words proved to be the final trigger for him and with a loud groan he spilled himself into her.

  “You can come now,” he whispered, slumping against her, and when his fingers pressed the side of her clitoris she finally relaxed and a wave of pleasure so intense she thought she might pass out swept through her tight, frantic body.

  “Your usual clothes have been left here,” said David, his voice controlled once more. “Get dressed when you’re ready, then wait with Amber in the small drawing room.”

  As she slumped onto the bed, her muscles aching with the power of her orgasm, she realized he’d gone, taking the other men with him, and leaving the two women alone together.

  They dressed in silence, before Amber led the way to a small, sunny room on the first floor. Exhausted, Grace sat down in one of the plush, red, high-backed Regency chairs. Amber was the first to break the silence.

  “Even if you win, David won’t be yours, you know. He can never be what you want him to be. He may love you, but you’ll never be the center of his world. His work, this Club and extreme sexual pleasure dominate his life. Because I’m not ‘in love’ with him, he can never disappoint me. He’ll always be disappointing you. Why can’t you settle for being a part of his life, instead of wanting to invade it all?”

  “It’s because I’m in love with him that I want to be part of his entire life,” explained Grace. “I have embraced and understand everything about him, and in a strange way I’ve fallen in love with the Dining Club as well. I’ve learned so much about myself here. I believe that I can make it even more exciting for him and everyone else too.”

  Amber shook her head. “You may tell yourself that, but deep down you think this is the only way you’ll keep him interested in you, but you’re not like me. You don’t truly love all the aspects of sexual pleasure that he does. Your capacity for pleasure pain is very limited, as you’ll discover if you get your way and replace me.”

  “I know I’ve still got a lot to learn,” admitted Grace, “but that’s part of the excitement. He loves me, I know he does, and he’ll enjoy teaching me, just as I’ll enjoy making changes here.”


  “Yes, I’ve got a brilliant idea for…”

  At that moment David and Andrew came into the room together. Both women tensed, waiting to hear the result. Grace couldn’t remember ever being as nervous before. She felt as though she couldn’t breathe as they waited for the verdict. If Amber had won, then all her hopes and plans for a future with David would be destroyed, and everything she’d learned here at the Dining Club would have been for nothing, because in order for her dreams to come true, Amber had to lose.

  “It was a close vote,” said David quietly, “but we do have a clear winner.” He paused, and Grace felt physically sick. “That winner,” he continued in the same even tone that gave nothing away, “is Grace. Amber, unfortunately you’ll need to pack your things and be ready to leave by tomorrow morning. A house will be available for you to live in until you find new employment, but your time at the Dining Club is over.”

  As Grace tried to take in what he was saying, she heard Amber gasp.

  “Why did I lose?” she cried, clearly close to tears. David didn’t reply.

  “The problem was that you failed to look or behave like a true slave girl,” said Andrew gently.

  “Really? I think the problem might have been that you decided to change your mind and vote for Grace,” said Amber, her quick temper rising.

  “Before the vote we had a general discussion, which is where the comment Andrew has mentioned was made,” said David smoothly.

  Amber looked directly into his eyes. “You’ll miss me,” she said quietly.

  The watching Grace saw his expression change for a moment as he considered the beautiful blonde woman’s words, but then he moved away and stood looking out of the window, his face hidden from both women.

  With a shrug, Amber walked toward the door, pausing as she passed Grace. “Be careful,” she whispered. “At the moment you’re a novelty, but one day you’ll be in my position. No one can hold his interest forever.” Andrew followed her out of the room, and Grace’s first instinct was to rush into David’s arms, but instead she stood very still and waited for him to come to her.

  Turning to face her he smiled warmly. “You did incredibly well, my darling. You were amazing. I was so proud of you. Even Andrew voted for you, and I wasn’t expecting that.”

  “Why not?”

  “I’m not stupid, Gracie. I know he’s attracted to you and asked you out. He could have got his revenge by voting for Amber, but the prospect of working alongside you as manager was clearly a more attractive alternative. Plus it was clear you deserved to win, of course.”

  Hearing his words Grace took a step toward him, and finally he took her in his arms. His grip was tight, almost possessive, and he kissed her passionately as he whispered words of love and desire.

  Despite all that had happened throughout the long day, Grace both wanted and needed him. When he finally led her upstairs to the suite of rooms where it had all begun and started to make love to her, he was more tender and gentle than ever before, and afterwards she fell into a deep, dreamless sleep in his arms.

  Later, as they were drinking champagne in the small drawing room where she’d waited for the result of the contest, he looked thoughtfully at her. “So, do you have any suggestions about the future of the Dining Club yet?”

  Grace hesitated, unsure for a moment as to how he would react if she told him. Then, knowing that she had to have confidence in her ideas if their new relationship was to work, she nodded.

  “Yes, I do,” she said eagerly. “I think it should be expanded. Perhaps there could be a small, private hotel in London, hidden away in an exclusive back street, where people who’ve enjoyed the Club experience can go for a whole week at a time.”

  “A hidden hotel? Yes, I like that idea,” he said, leaning forward.

  “And I think it would be exciting to have themes at the hotel. There could be a Victorian week or an Ancient Roman week, for example. It would open up a whole range of exciting new sexual possibilities.

  “Also, schooling women to prepare them for those weeks could take place here at the Dining Club beforehand.”

  David’s eyes darkened with excitement. Putting an arm round her waist he kissed the side of her neck. “Brilliant!” he exclaimed. “The possibilities are endless. No wonder I fell in love with you!”

  Later that night, Andrew came to see them leave. “I’m pleased you’ve decided to stay on,” said David, shaking him by the hand. “I think you’ll find your work even more interesting from now on.”

  “I’m sure I will,” agreed And
rew. “I’m hoping to introduce a guest of my own before too long. In fact, I’m off to the King’s Head in Islington to meet up with her now.”

  “That’s great news,” said David to Grace as they drove away. “I wonder what she’ll be like?”

  “I’m sure she’ll be interesting,” said Grace, knowing perfectly well who Andrew meant, but uncertain how she felt about it.

  David glanced at her. “Lucien liked you,” he said. “What did you think of him?”

  “He was interesting,” she admitted.

  David raised an eyebrow. “Interesting? Well, the interest is definitely reciprocal.”

  “I didn’t feel attracted to him,” she said hastily.

  “My darling girl, there’s no need to worry. I thrive on challenges. Tomorrow morning I shall start looking for a suitable building for our hidden hotel.”

  His excitement was contagious, and Grace was overwhelmed with love for this handsome, complex man, who had finally committed himself to her.

  * * *

  As their car sped through the night, Amber picked up her bedside phone, wondering who could be calling her at such a late hour. “Lucien? I never expected to hear from you again. What do you want?” she asked and then, as she listened intently, a slow smile spread over her face.

  The End

  About the Author

  Marina Anderson is the pseudonym of a British author. Her novels have sold over half a million copies worldwide and she is a Sunday Times bestseller.

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